THESE ARE OBSOLETE AND UNAVAILABLE this page is for your information only and I suggest you read to the bottom so you know your options.
Nilfisk and Tellus GMD and GMI vacuum cleaner motor set of two brushes with ceramic carbon brush holder Pn. 32000001
They were generally used in the GM80 and the Nilfisk GM90 and GS90 and the Nilfisk and Tellus GA71 GS81 and GM81 industrial vacuum cleaner and the Nilfisk GM625 Industrial Vacuum Cleaner and the GM726 and the GM82 as well as the G90 Allergyvac.
The Nilfisk GMI and GMD MOTOR FAN UNITS are usually burnt out if these carbon brushes need to be replaced. The armatures are usually too burnt up for them to be successfully replaced.
Nilfisk GMI and GMD motors are different to GSD Motors and these brushes won't fit GSD Motors.
SAFETY WARNING! All electrical parts should ONLY be fitted by an electrically COMPETENT person.
GMI and GMD motors can be replaced in seconds by Part Number 12112153 which will be shipped free of freight charges!