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Secondhand Nilfisk GD1010 GD1005 Family And Business Vacuum Cleaner Electrical Switch Unit

Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 1 review
SKU SH-12019610

These are SECONDHAND and workshop checked Nilfisk GD1010 commercial vacuum cleaners and the Nilfisk GD1005 and the Nilfisk Family 5 litre barrel vacuum cleaner and the Nilfisk Business 10 litre commercial vacuum cleaner electrical double pole switch unit complete with 4 wires in grey with a blue push button.

Needless to say they are very reliable and the machines have worn out before the switches! That's why we had so many! However they are getting picked over now, and are a bit grubby, despite being cleaned, some have texta marks on them.


SAFETY WARNING! All electrical parts should ONLY be fitted by an electrically COMPETENT person.

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