Gerni Super 140.2 Click and Clean G4 Pressure Washer Gun Handle NLA
Gerni branded, green coloured G4 Gerni Click&Clean C&C pressure washer spray gun pistol grip with soft coating.
THIS PART IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE TO US. This page is here for your information only.
This part number replaced Pn. 128500668 and it seemed to be for the Gerni Super 140.2
These are very popular spare part, and a constant enquiry we get, is, "Can we get a repair kit for this pistol grip?"
At the time of writing, in our experience, we've found that trying to repair a G4 or G3 gun, even if you have the correct "O" rings and a new valve does not always give reliable long term performance.
By the time you've bought the valve and "O" rings and wasted your time putting it in, and then a few weeks/months later it goes again, you may as well just get a new gun.
The permanent solution is to get a Nilfisk G5 gun HERE This has a brass internal valve. It is from a higher model in the range and has the same click fitting for the hose and the bayonet fitting for the lance.
See the consumer accessory book HERE