Clarke 36Volt 35Ampere Battery Charger No Longer Available
This is an old fashioned automatic 36Volt x 35 Ampere charger for use with Nilfisk-ALTO battery powered automatic floor scrubbing machines and sweepers. These APA taper chargers are very, very reliable.
The newer type of "Smart" battery chargers are more predominant on the current day scrubbers and sweepers with GEL and AGM maintenance free batteries.
General Information
These battery chargers are designed to re-charge deep cycle lead acid batteries. A ferro-resonant transformer is used to provide a highly reliable, line compensating unit, with a minimum of moving parts, designed for long, trouble free service. The chargers are constructed so that all parts can be tested and replaced with basic hand tools. In addition, an analogue multimeter of 10,000 ohms per volt, sensitivity or better is required.
The Nilfisk-Advance battery charger is comprised of two basic sections: the transformer/rectifier or power section and the on/off section.
Transformer / Rectifier or Power Section
The power, or charging section consists of a transformer with it's specified part number and rating capacitor and rectifying diodes attached to a heat sink. The ammeter displays the charging current and the fusing provides electrical protection.
The transformer consists of primary coils, separated from the capacitor and secondary coils by a stack of transformer grade steel pieces, called a shunt pack. The transformer coils are wound with high temparature double insulated magnetic wire. The leads are sleeved and all connections crimped and soldered. The transformer must be properly connected in accordance with the correct wiring diagram for each specific part number charger.
The capacitor functions in combination with the specific transformer to provide the correct charger outout with variations with in the AC line voltage.
An electronic timer switches the unit on and off, in conjunction with measuring the current drawn by the batteries.
SAFETY WARNING! All electrical parts should ONLY be fitted by an electrically COMPETENT person.
At the moment standard postage within Australia is capped at a maximum of $30! So maximise the saving on postage and buy some of the related parts below!