Nilfisk-Alto WAP SQ450-21 Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner
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The Nilfisk-ALTO and WAP Wet and Dry SQ 450-21 and the SQ10 had about a 10 Gallon or 30(?) litre capacity with good suction performance, anti-static capability and many other features. It's also refered to as an RDF and RDFD machine. As well as been rebranded as the Fest SR 151
The WAP KEW and ALTO SQ 450-11 and SQ 450-31 are also in the range.
The low profile of the WAP SQ450-21 dust container, allowed it to neatly fit underneath work benches when used in dental technicians workshops, and was very stable for pulling around as a wet and dry vacuum cleaner in light industrial workshops or many commercial situations, pubs, and clubs.
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