The VT60 CR is designed specifically for cleanroom applications. UNAVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA
Due to continually changing legal ramifications, insurance liabilities, supply and demand, these machines may or may not be available outside the USA at the time you are looking to purchase this kind of equipment.
However, Andy will seek the definitive answer for you, as far as applies in Australia, at the time.
For an economical and sensible alternative, check out the IVB7 H below in related items.
Featuring a unique four-stage filtration system and multiple collection and disposal options, the versatility of these vacuums is ideal for wet/dry applications.
A combination of efficient design and powerful suction allows the Nilfisk VT 60 Wet/Dry Vacuums to simultaneously pick up wet and dry debris without special adapters or filter switching.
An optional internal HEPA** filter ensures 99.97% of all ultrafine particles, toxic and nuisance, are retained down to and including 0.3 microns in size. Including carbon particles generated by the motor.
For finer filtration, an ULPA filter ensures 99.999% down to and including 0.12 microns in size.
The main filter on the VT60 CR is resistant to rot from water and mildew as well as being corrosion-resistant.
The main filter captures particles down to one micron and is covered by an exclusive splash guard to protect against excessive moisture and further extend the life of the HEPA filter.
The pliable rubber inlet tube is designed to relieve caking and clogging caused by the collection of damp or sticky material.
Multiple collection options include the 15-gallon vacuum tank, a polyliner or a five-gallon disposable pail.
The detachable trolley features sturdy polyethylene construction and large smooth wheels for easy decontamination and added maneuverability.
A foam impact filter fits over and protects the float valve from clogging debris.
- Quiet Operation (75 dB/A) (Measured at 3m)
- May Be Equipped With ULPA U15 Exhaust Filtration
- Main Filter Area 14,288 (CM2)
- Rated Power 1300 (WATTS)
- Suction Power 368 (WATTS) * Airflow Without Hose 46 (LITRES PER SEC) * Depression 29 (KPA)
- Container Capacity 65 ( LITRES ) DRY and 45 (LITRES) WET * Inlet Diameter 38 (MM)
- Dimensions 62 CM Long X 55 CM Wide X 95 CM High Mass 29.5 (KG)
- Optional Vacuum Gauge And Filter Selection
Maximise the FREE FREIGHT offer on this item, on our website, anything purchased along side it, such as in the related items below, such as extra filters, fittings or accessories, will also be shipped free, Australia wide!