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Nilfisk ELITE Range of Household Vacuum Cleaners This Page For Information Only


NILFISK ELITE Range Of Domestic Vacuums

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The Nilfisk Elite was a perfect vacuum cleaner for every home in Australia, as allergy diagnosis are becoming more and more common. Especially with children.

Nilfisk, designed the Nilfisk Elite with a HEPA 14 filter. Used responsibly, the vacuum cleaner are completely sealed so that contaminated air is not released.

A vacuum cleaner with powerful suction and great HEPA filtration is a good investment for your home and essential for protecting your family from airborne allergens.

The Nilfisk Elite range of vacuums are durable, powerful, and quiet.

Nilfisk give the Elite a five year warranty.

The Australian Nilfisk ELITE range consists of the ELITE CLASSIC PARQUET in SILVERELITE COMFORT in SKY BLUE and ELITE SUPERIOR in Metallic BLACK

High dust pickup coupled with allergy friendly dustbag, and airtight construction and HEPA 14 filtration stop even the tiniest particles

Animal hair, dust mites and their droppings are no challenge for the Nilfisk Elite.

The remote control hand-piece gives you suction and power adjustment right at  your fingertips.

Silent: 70 dB(A) means you can vacuum without waking the baby.

Here at the TVD (The Vacuum Doctor) we don't sell household vacuum cleaners, these pages are purely here to help people with these machines to find information and replacement parts.