Nilfisk 90 degree 1 meter x 38mm aluminium vacuum cleaner high cleaning wand for cleaning dust from roof pipe and RSJ girders, also high beams in churches, spot lights in theatres and high windows in elegant restaurants, the applications are limitless!
These lock onto the 1 meter straight wands for an added security of connection.
The picture shows multiple one metre sections joined together, they have mechanical locking devices, for safety.
Good housekeeping for industry, removing build-ups of potentially combustible explosive dusts in flour, sugar and cotton mills, as well as where coal or wood dust is present.
At the moment, standard postage within Australia is capped at a maximum of $25! Maximise the saving on postage and buy several of these, and some other nozzles and brushes to clean down the surfaces. You could also buy some of the other related parts below, such as dustbags and the filters or a new floor tool for you vacuum cleaner.